• Any other Synchronet SysOps here?

    From Fang-Castro to All on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 03:16:10
    I figured I would post a local message so I would have to come back here to read it =p

    I've been tinkering with MysticBBS for too long and want to play around with Synchronet. It seems better documented and I like the QWK network stuff which Mystic doesn't seem to have.

    My problem is MysticBBS is too customizeable! I spend all my time changing the themes/prompts/menus and making ANSIs I never actually get a BBS going. I have Synchronet running on a free shell account and it is quite different. One thing I'm worried about is I'll get a BBS setup and then won't be able to come back later and make all the eye-candy changes. Are all the prompts/text customizeable?

    thanks for any tips

    ... Do you have access to your previous configuration?
  • From Mastermind to Fang-Castro on Friday, June 26, 2020 11:52:17
    Re: Any other Synchronet SysOps here?
    By: Fang-Castro to All on Tue May 12 2020 03:16 am

    I figured I would post a local message so I would have to come back here to read it =p

    I've been tinkering with MysticBBS for too long and want to play around with Synchronet. It seems better documented and I like the QWK network stuff whic Mystic doesn't seem to have.

    My problem is MysticBBS is too customizeable! I spend all my time changing t themes/prompts/menus and making ANSIs I never actually get a BBS going. I ha Synchronet running on a free shell account and it is quite different. One th I'm worried about is I'll get a BBS setup and then won't be able to come bac later and make all the eye-candy changes. Are all the prompts/text customizeable?

    thanks for any tips

    Synchro is totally customizable, however in my experience its just a little more tough TO customize some things. To change all the strings, there isn't a menu like in Mystic - and the actual menu system works off themes, programmed in Baja (Like Java). Those two things being said, one you dig in its actually WAY MORE customizable IMO...

    Secondly, for what you described I think that Synchro would be a good choice for you. It comes with different types of command shells (menu themes)... you can select whatever type of BBS you know best and sycnhronet emulates that. Like me, I like Renegade software from back in the day... SO, I select Renegade as a command shell and boom synchro is now Renegade. Digging deeper, I can edit the stock Renegade command shell and customize it heavily to make it have my BBSes ANSI and add menus just for my board... make that command shell the default, and now my synchro board is a modified Renegade-looking system. Very powerful.

    Third, you talked about just wanting something to run without having to modify it. Synchro has many command shells (menu systems) out of the box, so you don't really have to do much editing... just with simple defauly selections for new users, you can make YOUR synchro BBS look however you want it to to the end user. And finally, the documentation is awesome. The wiki covers most topics that come up during customization... and, every sycnhro bbs has DoveNet installed and working right out of the box. On DoveNet, you can talk to many other synchro sysops and get help..

    Anyway, I love Synchro. Hope you check it out more......


    ... Give way to your worst impulse
  • From Android8675 to Fang-Castro on Thursday, August 27, 2020 07:16:54
    Re: Any other Synchronet SysOps here?
    By: Fang-Castro to All on Tue May 12 2020 03:16 am

    My problem is MysticBBS is too customizeable! I spend all my time changing t themes/prompts/menus and making ANSIs I never actually get a BBS going. I ha Synchronet running on a free shell account and it is quite different. One th I'm worried about is I'll get a BBS setup and then won't be able to come bac later and make all the eye-candy changes. Are all the prompts/text customizeable?

    You can customize everything in Synchronet, there are some boards that look quite unique. I'd check out Electronic Chicken BBS, eC is the guy that redesigned the web front end (called webv4), his board uses windows and layered ansi, it's pretty impressive.

    I think a lot of synchronet systems look default (mine included) because sometimes you just want to run a board and don't have so much time for all that. I like to focus on door stuff, I'm specifically trying to get a lot of interactive fiction stories going (think Infocom, Zork, Colossal Caves, etc), and I am a huge Roguelike nut. In my spare time I do D&D so I recently moved my windows system over to Ubuntu (Linux) and I have a FoundryVTT server running for game night.

    the Synchronet community is pretty active, tune into DoveNet for more answers to your questions.

    Android8675@realitycheckbbs.o r g